Diploma, Diploma Supplement and Europass


Students who successfully complete courses of value no less than 120 AKTS in the registered associate program 120 AKTS, 4 years undergraduate program at least 240 AKTS, 5 years undergraduate program at least 300 AKTS and 6 years undergraduate program at least 360 AKTS, whose GNO is at least 2,00 and fulfilling all other obligations, are entitled to receive diploma of the registered program.

For detailed information, you are welcome to have access to Fenerbahçe University Associate and Undergraduate Training-Education Regulation.


Diploma Supplement (DS), is a certificate given along with the higher education diploma which describes the level, content and knowledge, skill and competences the graduates acquire within this scope of the education received in a format whose standards are determined by European Commission and UNESCO/CEPES. DS completes the information on the diplomas by making the education received by the students more understandable by the employers, the establishments and the institutions outside the country it is given. 

Diploma Supplement is one of the documents which came to existence in the studies of European Higher Education Area and one of the Europass documents, helps the university students in introducing the education they receive to the systems of other countries and education, and at the same time, provides detailed information about the academic degree, level, content and professional qualifications that the graduate acquires.

Benefits of Diploma Supplement;

  • Having a more easily understood and compared diploma abroad,
  • It involves a perfect definition of the qualifications the student acquires during his/her academic development and learning,
  • An impartial statement on the student’s achievement and qualifications,
  • It enables an easier access to job opportunities or advanced overseas education means,
  • It supports being able to be employed.

Benefits of Diploma Supplement for Higher Education Institutions

  • It increases transparency of the qualifications by enabling the academic and professional recognition,
  • While presenting a common framework accepted all around Europe, it also protects national and institutional autonomy at the same time,
  • It enables the evaluation of the qualifications acquired by comprehending them in a different educational context easily,
  • It enables more recognition of the institution abroad,
  • It makes the employment of the graduates on national and international level easier,
  • In terms of the content and the recognition of the diplomas, it enables answering many questions from the administrative units of the institutions and saves time.

Diploma Supplement Sample


Europass Documents

Europass entered into effect under its resolution/decree number 2241/2004/EC dated December 15th, 2004 adopted by the European Parliament and Council regarding single transparency for competences. Europass is the name given to five documents in total, produced with the purpose of express and easy understanding of the skills and competences of persons at European countries (European Union, EFTA/EEA or candidate countries. Europass is being supported by National Europass Centers Network.

Documents required to be filled-in by the individual in person comprise of Europass curriculum vitae (CV) and Europass Language Passport. Whereas the documents filled and given by the authorized agencies are Europass Certificate Exhibit, Europass Diploma Supplement and Europass Mobility documents.

Europass platform is established in order to give service to students, those in search of employment, youngsters, employed people, volunteers. Services provided;

  • Being able to prepare, save as well as share curriculum vitae, letters of intent, e-portfolios and letters of application through diverse and advanced templates,
  • Skill metering and self-assessment tools,
  • Capability of generating detailed personal profile for registered users,
  • Training course and employment recommendations for registered users in compliance with their skills and areas of interest,
  • Europass Digital Competences/Qualifications (diplomas, certificates and degrees awarded) issued by training and education institutions for registered users,
  • Contacts with the relevant authorities and agencies in respect of data, information, tools and services pertaining to training and employment at European countries (processes, procedures and legislations for recognition of formal as well as extended/informal, free learning processes and competences in different countries,
  • Access to several different EU tools and services concerning training and employment from one single point,
  • Full control on personal data and records (any and all personal data and particulars are closed to the access of third parties.),
  • Trends and analyses pertaining to the supply and demand of skills (at sector-based and geographical levels),
  • Further data and information regarding skills and competences that could be beneficial for refugees or those seeking asylum.

Europass CV

Corresponds to a common CV format at EU Standard, comprising of skills, experiences acquired, educational status, work experience and such similar matters, prepared with the purpose of employment or training. (Could be filled on own self)

Europass Mobility

Corresponds to a document recording such knowledge as well as skills acquired by any person throughout the term spent at any other European country for employment, training or voluntary purposes. (Filled by authorized institutions)

Europass Certificate 

Enables better understanding of such competences acquired under a Professional Certificate, particularly abroad. (Filled by authorized institutions)

Europass Diploma Supplement

Is awarded together with higher education diplomas in order to facilitate better understanding of higher education competences and qualifications. (Filled by authorized institutions)


At every country (European Union and European Economic Territory), a National Europass Center coordinates any and all activities with respect to Europass documentation. It is the initial point of contact for all persons and entities desiring to use Europass or obtain further information about Europass. Turkish National Europass Center is the Professional Competence Agency.

Duties of National  Europass Centers:

  • Coordinating management of Europass documentation,
  • Promoting and publicizing Europass as well as Europass documentation,
  • Ensuring that information and guidance centers are properly informed and acknowledged about Europass and Europass documentation,
  • Ensuring that there are available as well printed versions of all Europass documentation,
  • Performing a common national duty at European National Europass Centers.