Computer Engineering


Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

Occupational Areas of Graduates

Graduated students specialize in the fields listed below, and work in IT, automotive, finance, public and private institutions, telecommunications, defense industry, etc. Graduates of our Computer Engineering program possess a diverse set of skills and knowledge that enable them to pursue a wide range of career paths in the technology sector. Their strong foundation in both hardware and software aspects of computer engineering, combined with hands-on experience and professional development, prepares them for various roles in industry, academia, and public service. Below are examples of common occupational profiles for our graduates:

Software Engineer: Graduates can work as software engineers, developing, testing, and maintaining software applications and systems. They are involved in all phases of the software development lifecycle, including requirements analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance.

Hardware Engineer: Some graduates specialize in hardware engineering, where they design, develop, and test computer systems and components such as processors, circuit boards, memory devices, and networks.

Systems Analyst: As systems analysts, graduates analyze and design information systems solutions to help organizations operate more efficiently and effectively. They work closely with business and IT teams to understand their needs and develop technical specifications.

Network Engineer: Graduates working as network engineers design, implement, and manage computer networks, ensuring reliable and secure connectivity within and between organizations.

Cybersecurity Specialist: In the role of a cybersecurity specialist, graduates protect an organization's computer systems and networks from cyber threats. They develop security measures, conduct risk assessments, and respond to security incidents.

Embedded Systems Engineer: Embedded systems engineers design and develop embedded systems found in various devices, from consumer electronics to industrial machines. They work on the integration of hardware and software to create efficient and reliable systems.

Data Scientist: Some graduates may pursue careers as data scientists, where they analyze large sets of data to extract meaningful insights and develop data-driven solutions for businesses and organizations.

AI and Machine Learning Engineer: Graduates with a focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning can work on developing intelligent systems and algorithms that can learn from and make decisions based on data.

Researcher/Academic: Those interested in academia can pursue careers as researchers or educators, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in computer engineering and training the next generation of engineers.