

Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

General Information

Due to changing conditions such as developing science and technology, online accessibility, diseases and epidemics, the nature of many professions is changing and losing its importance. Despite this, nursing, which is one of the oldest professions in the world, continues to serve humanity. Due to the increasing need for health, care and treatment all over the world, the importance of the nursing profession is increasing day by day and the fields of expertise are expanding. Nursing, which is one of the few occupational groups with many employment opportunities in Europe and in the world, is among the professions that are rapidly developing at the national and international level and are among the professions that are guaranteed to find a job.

Graduate nurses can also work as clinicians, educators or managers while providing care services to individuals, families and the community with a multidisciplinary approach in all areas where health care is provided, mainly in hospitals. There are also a wide variety of opportunities for an academic career in the nursing profession.

Nurses can specialize and work as specialist nurses by continuing their postgraduate education in the fields they are interested in. In their career, they can work as an academician in universities with the opportunity to get a doctorate in their own academic field and rise as a doctor, associate professor and professor.

As Istanbul Health and Technology University Nursing Department; have the knowledge and skills to provide individuals with high quality health care based on scientific evidence, maintain their professional practices at international standards in accordance with the technological variables of the age, and conduct scientific studies and research in the field of nursing; We aim to train nurses who are competent and equipped in their field and who can compete at world standards, both nationally and internationally.